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2007-04-09 - urg.
2007-03-07 - yep
2007-03-05 - This Sucks ASS
2007-02-14 - 'nuff fucking said already!
2007-02-11 - Just forgive?
2007-02-05 - Looney Bin's, Oompa Loompa's, and no- sex for me.
2007-02-03 - Thinking is overrated
2007-02-01 - sometimes when you win ....I lose.
2007-01-28 - Snow bites, Sundays suck.
2007-01-26 - What the fuck cowboy. A mission and a statement!
2007-01-23 - Let me let go
2007-01-19 - Wong Baker this, ASSHOLE.
2007-01-18 - I'm not black.
2007-01-17 - Yeah..that's freakin' wonderful....
2007-01-15 - Truth Hurts
2007-01-15 - this day sucked like every other
2007-01-13 - What do you mean you don't have a condom?!?!
2007-01-12 - -Goodbye?! uh huh. NOT.
2007-01-11 - Names have been changed to protect the innocent... who are not so innocent
2007-01-10 - Sheeeshhhhh

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