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1:13 a.m. - 2007-01-18
I'm not black.
What a shitty day. They just keep getting better and fucking better.
Bills piling up up and no end in site, my hand is now reduced to a screaming bag of bone horror. Traffic court was a fucking joke. I know that this will piss SOMEONE off, but obviously I'm the wrong color here. I get stuck paying $119.00 with 2 points on my licence for going, get this >>>>> 58 in a 55. THREE FUCKING MILES OVER. THREE. And as I am waiting to talk to the moron in the back chambers, a cute little african american girl(about 17 yrs old) gets called to the bench, seems she got pulled over for NEVER HAVING HAD A DRIVERS LICENCE. EVER. and guess what? the judge says to her " did you go an apply for a drivers licence?" she giggles and says " yes, here it is" and the judge (using that term very losely) smiles, laughs and says "Great! we can DROP those charges for you now."
WHAT THE FUCK?????? Hey, maybe if I had been driving THREE miles over the speed limit, with no licence, was 17 years old and BLACK, I would have walked out of there free as a fucking bird also!!
I'm really just so tired of this crap. The crap that my life has become. NOTHING is going right and I feel like I have just had enough. E-FUCKING-NUFF AREADY.

I watched " Sleepless in Seattle" and cried at the end... I wonder if that means I still have a feeling left. Maybe one.

God save the Queen cuz the King gave up.

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